Level 1, 6/296 Oxley Rd Graceville
Brisbane QLD, 4075
07 3379 1831
Opening hours
Weekdays :
7:00 am – 7:00 pm
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Public Holidays :
8:00 am – 2:00 pm
Opening Hours
Monday to Thursday 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
Friday 7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Weekends (* Higher fees & no bulk-billing available)
Saturday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Sunday 8:00 am - 2:00 pm
Public Holidays
Emergencies & after hours
Dial 000
If you need urgent medical care when we’re closed, please contact our after hours provider 13 74 25 this is a FREE home visit option
Or call one of our afterhours doctors on 0494 309 951
– The fee is $450.00 associated with the after hours option for calling this mobile.
Visit www.homedoctor.com.au, Wesley Emergency Centre 3232 7333, or the local Public Hospitals.
- Appointments are normally made at 10 – 15 minute intervals. Some spaces are kept aside for patients with urgent issues, which will be dealt with promptly.
- We do try to run on time, however we appreciate your consideration if an unexpected delay is experienced. You can help by making a separate appointment for each family member if more than one is to be seen by the doctor.
- To make an appointment, please phone or call in, and indicate whether the matter is urgent. Every effort is made to accommodate your preferred time and doctor where possible. New patient appointments will require a double booking, and patients are requested to arrive 10 mins prior.
- Please also indicate if you require a longer appointment with the doctor for a full check-up, pap smear, insurance medical, counselling, surgical procedures or Full Skin Examinations.
- Interpreter Services can be arranged if we are notified prior to your appointment, or call 131 450. Auslan bookings: 1800 24 69 45 or Bookings@.nabs.org.au
We understand that it is sometimes necessary to change your schedule. Out of consideration for others we kindly ask for you to provide a minimum of 2 hours notice if you wish to change or cancel an appointment. There is a $25 fee for repeated non-cancellation of appointments.
Medicare Rebates
Current Medicare Card Holders have the option of processing their refund at the time of payment, via Medicare Easiclaim. An EFTPOS debit card is required for the rebate, otherwise banking details need to be registered with Medicare. Alternatively, a receipt can be issued. Please advise Reception at the time of payment.
Please click here to download Graceville Medical’s Information Brochure.
In the interests of good medical care, you will generally need to see the doctor in person regarding prescriptions. Prescriptions may be available outside consultation at the discretion of your doctor, however a $10 administration fee may apply for all requested scripts.
*24 hrs notice is required.
There is a play area in the waiting room and toys are available in consultation rooms to help your children feel at home. Change and breast feeding areas are provided on request.
Staff Qualifications
All Doctors have satisfied the training requirements of the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners, and are on the Vocational Register of General Practitioners. In addition, several Doctors have completed a post-graduate Fellowship examination in general practice. We have a commitment to quality general practice and to continuing medical education.